[nuttx] Flashing TI LaunchXL-TMS57004
jfloresmu92@yahoo.com [nuttx]
2018-02-20 12:02:34 UTC
I'm triying to use NuttX in the Hercules Launchpad TMS57004 board. I think that I uploaded NuttX but I don't know if it's running or not.

To upload it I tried two different ways:
The first one was the explained in the readme file using the j-link connector connecting to the j-tag connector of the board and it upload correctly and if I saw the value of the register have the same value as in the nuttx binary(I suppose that if the upload is correct, the values might be the same).
The second is using UniFlash, a online TI tool (https://dev.ti.com/) and I have the same result, the register values are the same as in the binary file.

So once it's flashed,the GIOA2 Led should turn on and the SCI1 should return the nsh console, but in my case the GIOA2 doesn't turn on and the SCI1 doesn't return anything.

The only thing that the board "show" me, it's the sc1rx light blinking every 2 seconds and the first time that you power up the board after the flash, the fault error Led turn on, but if you reset the board, it turn off.

In the configuration is checked the board led status support and all the options and example of the nsh console.

I'm using Linux and cortexr4-eabi-defconfig-4.8.5 profile as compiler with buildroot.

So my questions are:
Someone was be able to run the nsh console??
Is it possible to upload Nuttx using openocd??

Thank you so much for your time and help.
spudarnia@yahoo.com [nuttx]
2018-02-20 22:25:27 UTC
I don't think anyone has had much success with that board. I did the initial board bring-up and wrote the README.txt. Everything I know is in that README file.

My board died before I was able to complete the port. I know that other people have worked with the board port, but I have not heard anyone reporting success in that.

The ARMv7-R is solid, however. That should be the same that is used on the Samsung Arktic. But the TMS 570 is just a very difficult board to work with: Big endian and too much security.
Embedded Systems ivanucherdjiev@gmail.com [nuttx]
2018-02-21 15:39:52 UTC
I do have success with that board , and i am preparing a patch which will
support the basic nuttx functionality.
Post by ***@yahoo.com [nuttx]
I don't think anyone has had much success with that board. I did the
initial board bring-up and wrote the README.txt. Everything I know is in
that README file.
My board died before I was able to complete the port. I know that other
people have worked with the board port, but I have not heard anyone
reporting success in that.
The ARMv7-R is solid, however. That should be the same that is used on
the Samsung Arktic. But the TMS 570 is just a very difficult board to work
with: Big endian and too much security.
Kind regards,
Ivan Ucherdzhiev

Team Lead @ Barin Sports
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